Don’t know if they were influenced by GISM, but Sacrilege was definitely an influence here. Better than a thousand self help books! Musically, it’s like early Napalm Death, but more melodic. You can have morals, and they are worth fighting for, but there is no god to save you, and you aren’t guaranteed to win, morally superior, or not. They are simply informing you of the reality. They aren’t dipshit edgelord weeaboos, who are endorsing it, or think that they’d be the ultimate tough guys, and beat all the jocks, if only they lived in the war hammer universe. The intro, of the first song, gives you a good idea, of what the band is about.
When I was a high school edgelord, I would get mad, when hanging out, drinking, with other high school idiots, because they didn’t understand the beauty, and heaviness, of this album, and listened to disturbed instead(I don’t hang out with those people anymore).ĥ.
But they had some restraint, and knew not to release any more, if it wasn’t up to their standards. The criticisms, of lacking variation, are definitely valid though. The songs aren’t as consistently good, but the good ones are some of their best. The cleaner production actually has loud bass, which is usually a problem. But while other, old death metal bands were “selling out,” in this era, they did the opposite, they got more true. It kind of has a more groove metal influenced sound, not completely, but enough to stand out from their other stuff. Some might call this a weakness, and say it makes them boring, I disagree. Sounds somewhat, of its time, as in, more “modern(of course, 16 years ago isn’t modern).” But the band could incorporate new influences, while still sounding like Bolt Thrower. This album was a good way to end their discography. This is like a more mosh worthy Reign in BloodĤ.Those Once Loyal. Predominantly fast, with a few breakdowns, this albums is punk fucking rock. Similar guitar melodies, faster than they were later, I don’t really know the words to describe it, but, guess the “texture” here feels different. Scum and Reign in Blood were pretty new, at the time, and Bolt Thrower could do a high speed album, with the best of them. Despite being known for their slower songs, Bolt Thrower could thrash, back in the day. When that comes out of my speakers, I want to quit my job, and go become a sword wielding cannibal, and fuck shit up(not literally, and seriously, of course, “want to,” and “will do,” are two different things!).ģ. The mosh down, in “this time it’s war,” is fucking sick. The songs don’t vary much, but the riffs are so catchy, that they distinguish themselves. Personally, I’d prefer the bass to be much louder, but that’s minor. They really slowed down, for this one, in contrast to their earlier works, and they didn’t lose any energy. I’m just going to comment on the changes.Ģ. I’m not going to really repeat what musical qualities I talked about, in the subsequent ones, because they didn’t really change their sound that much. There’s something to be said, for knowing where, when, and why, to use chromatic notes, and still sound this catchy and memorable. A good teaching example, if you want to improve your songwriting ability. Lots of Phrygian, Phrygian dominant, Locrian. Of course, they were self taught musicians, and their melodies are kind of predictable, but they’re consistently good. This made it sound even heavier, as the tempo variations just emphasize each other, and it feels like the songs are never relenting.
Their last album with blast beats, the first where they slowed down. They have some lesser albums, but they kept their music pretty good quality, because for them, trueness wasn’t about how “evil” you were, but about not putting out an album, if you didn’t think it was your best effort.ġ. My tastes have changed a lot, my I find myself coming back to this band. When I was 17, just getting into music in general, I got into them. Bolt Thrower is a widely loved band, and also, very true. I haven’t participated in any of these threads, but I thought I’d make one. Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives :: View topic - Best Bolt Thrower albums Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives